Apex Legends app download site tricks players with dodgy mobile version of the game
Cyber security discovered the first malicious app for the record-breaking video game, which is yet to be released on Android or IOS devices.
A new scam involves criminals getting victims to falsely create, or divert, payments for school fees.
Fraudsters are placing themselves in the middle of transactions between parents and private schools in an attempt to con them out of money, it has been suggested.
In this scam, a fraudster contacts parents outlining details & payment instructions for the latest school fees. Initial contact appears to primarily be made via email and often from the school’s own compromised email system.
However, the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has also seen instances where the email address used is similar to that of the school (i.e. nn instead of an m).
The victim then makes the required payment into the bank account which is in the control of the fraudster. By the time the fraud has been identified, the funds have already been dissipated.
In several instances, there has been a strong social engineering element at play within the email, with the fraudster suggesting a discount on the fees can be obtained if parents pay early.
Tips For Parents
Tips For Schools
If you do fall victim to an online shopping scam, report what happened to Action Fraud online or via 0300 123 2040.
If you have fallen victim to a local trader, contact Warwickshire Trading Standards, via Citizens Advice Consumer Service on 03454 040 506.
You can also receive support from Warwickshire Victim Support, on 01926 682 693, following any cyber crime.